Lessons at Guitar Instruction of Richardson consist mainly of private one on one sessions that average around $27 per hour and are normally taken once every other week. This sensible approach of offering biweekly hour long lessons provides distinct advantages when compared to traditional half hour weekly lessons.
Biweekly lessons tend to hold down costs, keep travel times to a minimum and the majority of students just seem to appreciate having had the extra week to practice as busy as everyone’s schedules can get these days. As opposed to shorter half hour weekly lessons, having a whole hour provides ample time for meaningful lessons where student and teacher are free to interact without having to constantly watch the clock.
To the best of our knowledge, none of our students has ever expressed a desire for switching to half hour weekly lessons having given the biweekly schedule a try.
“Steve is awesome! He always has me learning really cool music, some that even my parents like.”
–Brian Austin, student and son of Joel and Meg Austin
“Classes at Guitar Instruction of Richardson are really fun for Brian, our teenage son. Steve teaches him all kinds of music, even taking requests from us like John Denver for Brian to play on family vacations. Brian always wants to practice the guitar – – – amazing!”
–Joel and Meg Austin, parents of Brian Austin